Set up words and phrases which will automatically be blocked in chat. How to Ban Certain Words in Your Chatįrom your channel settings, click “Moderation” on the menu on the left-hand side. That being said, you can take preventative measures to minimize the written attacks. Retaliation against them can get you into trouble. You must learn to deal with them professionally. There are times when trolls will visit your chat. Turning a blind eye toward certain terms and phrases could bring them under scrutiny. As corporations, they must look out for their brand. While many complain that bans based on speech go against freedom of speech laws, Twitch, Mixer, and other platforms are legally allowed to create guidelines and moderate chat. Typical bans can last between 1-30 days but can be indefinite if the infringement was terrible. If your account is suspended, you will generally have the right to appeal. While you and your friends might realize that you are “joking,” you don’t know if certain terms or words have affected people negatively in their pasts. You don’t know the histories of every one of your fans. Some streamers/gamers claim that they didn’t intend to offend anyone with the speech. One of the most common derogatory terms used on Twitch are variances of racial and homophobic slurs.