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The street would be nicknamed 'Simple City' for its being 'half-city, half-country'. at 1617 First Street, which was only a few blocks away from the Anacostia River. The couple bought a small house in south eastern Washington D.C. While in Washington, Gay met his future wife, Alberta Cooper, whom he would marry on July 2, 1935. in his late teens to pursue a career as a minister of a House of God church there. When Gay was still a child, he and his mother joined the Pentecostal church, the House of God. 'Gays against Gays', she told author David Ritz. Īccording to Gay's wife, Alberta, Gay's family life consisted of constant violence involving domestic abuse and shootings. He had a troubled childhood, where his physically abusive father would often beat his mother, Marvin, and his five siblings. Gay was born the first of 13 children to George and Mamie Gay on Octoon a farm along Catnip Hill Pike in Jessamine County, Kentucky and was raised in Lexington. 4.4 Aftermath, divorce from wife, final years and death.4.2 Son's fame and relocation to Los Angeles.4.1 Marriage, family life and relationship with Marvin Gaye.

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